AI Policy

Updated March 16, 2024

About This AI Policy

I have written this AI policy myself. This is an overview of my feelings and thoughts on AI, as well as a detailed outline of how I use (and don’t use) AI in my business.

About Generative AI

Generative AI models, such as ChatGPT, are artificial intelligence platforms that respond to prompts. We (as a human) input a prompt, and from that prompt, the technology will generate text, images and/or data.

AI has been part of our lives since the 1950’s. Around 2010 generative AI started rolling out. This technology is here to stay, but I believe it will never replace creative thinking, functional processing, or human experience. While it can help increase productivity and creative ideas for small business owners, if used responsibility, I feel we must use it with caution.

How and when I use Generative AI

  • All long-form content on this website and for social media is generated by 100% me. This content is 100% human-written content. I don’t use AI to generate first drafts, outlines, or edit my work.

  • All copy written for clients is 100% human-written content. I do not use AI to generate first drafts, outlines, or edit my work.

  • Occasionally I will use Chat GPT or Squarespace AI to generate first-draft ideas on SEO meta descriptions. These ideas are used to write human-written SEO meta descriptions and SEO titles.

  • Occasionally I will use Squarespace AI to generate placeholder content for development websites. This content will always be transparently discussed and replaced with human-written content before launch.

Generative AI and SEO

Google ranks content that follows the E-E-A-T formula—in short, Google currently looks for quality, original content. This acronym stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust. 

However, Google doesn’t care if this content was written by a human or AI, but because AI technologies don’t follow this formula, human-written content currently out performs AI content in search engines.

100% Human Generated Content Promise

I will always disclose the use of AI assisted technologies on this website and during client projects. There are still a number of issues around Generative AI inaccuracies, copyright issues, and plagiarism. While these technologies can assist in certain processes, I am still running my business with 100% human-generated content.